Personalized Fashion Aesthetics: The New Way Forward

AI personalised fashion experience

For years, people have copied famous celebrity styles and tracked the latest style trends without much thought. But now, fashion is changing. Brands are starting to focus on making clothes that suit each person’s unique style. Drastically changing the way we shop upside down. Fashion personalization has been a big trend since 2018, but we haven’t felt its full impact yet. Experts predict that in the next five years, personalized fashion will be the key to success for stores.

Even though we’re just starting to see the effects, personalization is already important for shoppers. Studies show that 8 out of 10 people prefer buying from businesses that enable them find clothes that match their style perfectly.

What Is Fashion Personalization?

Fashion Personalization

Fashion personalization enables businesses to provide a unique and memorable experience for every consumer. Depending on where they are and how they appear. This may include making recommendations for clothing and accessories based on what they’ve already looked at. Allowing them to virtually try on things at home or use AI chatbots to provide fashion advice.

Fashion personalization simplifies buying by prioritizing the needs of the consumer. Customers don’t have to spend time sorting through a lot of unwanted items to discover what they’re looking for.

Customers will locate what they want more quickly, which will increase sales for companies. Furthermore, tailored suggestions lessen the deluge of options that sometimes prompt customers to abandon online purchases. Especially in the fashion industry, where selecting the correct size may be challenging.

Why You Require Fashion Personalization

AI Powered Personalization Tools In The Fashion Industry scaled

Personalized fashion is so popular these days that it is no longer an option to not give it. Many are even prepared to pay for it in the form of cash or more self-disclosure. Studies reveal that customers are willing to provide personal information in order to have a personalized shopping experience, even in the face of privacy concerns. Businesses may increase sales and recommend additional goods as a result.

Brands can use AI to streamline purchasing if they take personal style seriously rather than merely offering everyone trendy things. They can even provide a degree of customer care over the internet that is on par with or better than what they offer in person. Apart from apparel, there are several other cost-effective and cheap promotional products, accessories and footwear that can now be customized as per the customer’s wishes.

Types of Fashion Personalization

black blazer

Here are some of the most favored ways fashion gets personalized:

Visual similarity

ecommerce fashion

Businesses can use AI to show consumers other things that resemble what they’re looking for. This is helpful when an item isn’t available.

Visual similarity looks at certain aspects of a product a consumer currently likes, as opposed to Amazon’s collective filtering, which suggests additional goods based on what similar customers have searched or bought.

Choosing visual similarity over collective filtering is a wise business decision as it may provide 130% more income.

Complete the look

Victoria Beckham top theoutnet

“Complete the look” suggestions not only assist in building a brand’s image but also provide worthwhile opportunities to increase sales by endorsing other items.

In contrast to human employees, artificial intelligence (AI) can swiftly browse through a brand’s whole inventory of apparel and accessories to provide sane recommendations to clients who may be unclear on how to accessorize or complete an outfit.

Personalized recommendations

online shopping

With personalized suggestions, marketers may alter what consumers see according to their location, gender, and previous browsing and purchasing patterns.

Personalized recommendations assist companies in adapting to changing consumer preferences and even anticipate future needs, in contrast to standard recommendation engines that just aggregate disparate client preferences.

For example, fashion AI may recommend highly customized items that fit a client’s interests with a twist by creating a unique consumer profile based on factors like style, color, fabric, and design from previous purchases. Customers may find new goods with tailored suggestions that go well with their current wardrobe or standout fashion pieces that stand out on their own.

online ecommerce fashion

As humans are visual creatures, it might seem strange and odd to use keywords. Customers sometimes give up when they encounter difficulties with keyword searches.

Nevertheless, companies may enable consumers to swiftly discover what they desire. Even if they are unable to articulate it verbally—through the use of visual search capabilities.

Nowadays, visual search is more important than ever before since social media is a major source of fashion inspiration for many individuals. Seventy percent or more of Instagram users have made a purchase based on an item they saw on the app. Visual search is quite useful when the original poster doesn’t label the clothes they’re wearing in a photo.

AI styling advice

AI styling advice in fashion

Customers rely heavily on the advice of others, whether it be friends or shop employees while trying to choose clothing that fits.

However, AI chatbots excel at gathering detailed information and providing the most appropriate style recommendations when asked about factors like as body type, skin tone, hair color, eye color, and the event.

Major fashion companies are already using fashion chatbots. Such as Asos, Victoria’s Secret, and Sephora. As they are becoming more proficient at surpassing human stylists. It’s not shocking, given that artificially intelligent chatbots can match the level of individualized attention and service enjoyed by high-end brand VIPs.

WhatsApp marketing

WhatsApp marketing

Thanks to WhatsApp’s widespread use, customers can easily contact their favorite companies using the messaging app and get prompt replies.

Whether it’s providing tailored product suggestions, addressing product inquiries, or delivering last-minute deals to keep consumers in your store, WhatsApp marketing is a fantastic tool for attracting new customers and converting them while also re-engaging inactive ones.

Smart mirrors

Smart mirrors

Customers can get style guidance and view themselves in several outfits using smart mirrors in the shop. Moreover, eliminates the need to use a fitting room.

Some companies, like H&M, have dabbled with smart mirrors that can recognize faces and voices. A user can even shoot a selfie and save it to their phone using these features.

Email marketing

Email marketing

It might cost up to five times as much to acquire a new client as it does to retain an existing one. Plus, repeat buyers often shell out 31% more cash than first-time buyers.

So, what’s the secret to increasing customer loyalty and generating more sales? Email marketing strategies that are both well-designed and highly customized may be very successful.

Personalization and data-driven email marketing are becoming increasingly commonplace in the fashion industry. Personalization of email advertising based on consumers’ tastes and purchases is becoming more commonplace. These personalized and highly targeted emails generate over 50% of revenue for several businesses.

Sizing technology

Sizing technology

One disadvantage of purchasing online is that it is difficult to determine the fit of an item of clothing from an image alone. Retailers can increase sales and decrease returns with the use of sizing technology. It also helps consumers in finding the right size.

Virtual fitting

Virtual fitting cloth

Brands, including Macy’s and Adidas, have increased their use of virtual fitting rooms in response to the pandemic’s closure of several clothes outlets.

Customers can now virtually try on an entire brand’s collection from the comfort of their own beds using only their cell phones. All before making a final online purchase decision.

Final Thoughts

Finding the ideal apparel has always been a daunting undertaking. With fashion customization, however, it is easier than ever to understand and fulfill the client’s needs, particularly with the correct AI styling platform.

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