Essential Guide to Buying an Engagement Ring

perfect engagement ring

Gearing up to propose to the love of your life can be a pretty exciting thing! Once you decide to pop the big question, the next thing is to find the ideal engagement ring. The engagement ring will mark the beginning of your happily-ever-after which is why it is essential to pick the right one. Engagement rings are a big expense and require certain considerations.

Whether you will be hunting rings together or counting by yourself, you need a complete understanding of diamonds and other stones, and some tips to guide you through. With our easy shopping guide, you will know what to look for when you are out exploring engagement rings.

Get the Right Size

Your engagement ring must fit your fingers perfectly. Never go a size up or down when it comes to rings. Before heading out to your favorite jewelry store make sure to measure your ring fingers correctly. Opting for a smaller ring size can cut off your blood circulation while a bigger ring can fall off your finger.

The ideal ring size will feel comfortable and fit snugly on your finger. If you are not shopping with your partner, you can ask them to get sized at any jewelry store. You can use that measurement while buying the engagement ring.

engagement ring

Narrow Down Your Options to a Particular Shape

It is essential to know about the preferences of your significant other. It will help to narrow down your engagement ring hunt and help you locate the ideal ring quickly.

Every diamond cut is differently priced as per the number of carats. The perfect round shape costs the most whereas marquise or pear shapes are more affordable.

If you want a bigger size diamond ring you can go for pear shape ones and increase the carats count. You can study the prices of various shapes before going out shopping. You can also have two or more shapes in mind to find the best engagement ring for your partner.

If you’re trying to buy a ring online and not sure what size you need, try using an at home ring sizer, like this one from Stefano Navi.

Stick With a Carat Size

Like all other expensive things, the prominent question of quantity vs quality also applies to engagement rings. You can opt for a clear diamond or a larger stone size. You must find the right carat size that your partner would like.

You can always play with the clarity and color of the engagement ring to find something within your budget. If you want something affordable you can go for a low carat count with a larger size.

engagement ring

Choose the Metal for Your Ring Band

People usually opt for white gold, yellow gold, platinum, or silver when it comes to engagement rings. However, the rose gold tone has emerged as a new variety of jewelry color. The rose gold band adds a modern and chic look as compared to the traditional yellow gold ones.

Most people refrain from buying silver engagement rings as they may appear a bit cheap. If you want something in a silver tone you can opt for a platinum band. You must also consider that some metals run a higher risk of getting scratched. It is essential to consider the lifestyle of your partner, the stone you want to set, and your budget.

Go for Certified Rings

Expensive affairs call for proper certification. Engagement rings can dig a hole in your pocket which is why it is essential to shop smartly. Your dream ring must be certified by any accredited diamond society. The best rings usually come with certification from the Gemological Institute of America and other societies.

Diamonds that are certified by inferior or unpopular labs can come with inflated grades. Such rings will create an illusion of greater value while being inferior in quality. Many jewelry stores often engage in such tricks to fool customers.

Match the Diamond to Your Certificate

You may find laser inscriptions on your diamond’s girdle regarding its quality and imperfections. You can match the diamond with your certificate via a jeweler’s loupe. Tally the imperfections with the map drawn on your certificate.

Your Engagement Ring Must Compliment Your Wedding Ring

It is natural to get all caught up in the search for your perfect engagement ring and forget about your main target. The engagement ring covers only half of the roadway to your dream wedding. It is essential to simultaneously think about your wedding ring.

The wedding ring denotes the actual symbol of marriage. You must opt for an engagement ring that goes perfectly with your wedding ring. Consider the variety of stone types and designs to find your ideal engagement ring.

Shop Smart by Finding the Right Color, Clarity, and Cut

You can buy the lowest color grade in diamond yet have a clear look. If you opt for round diamond rings in a white gold tone, I or J color grades will be the best. If you want something affordable in yellow gold you can also opt for a K color.

You can lower the clarity and color grade yet opt for something that looks flawless to the naked eye. The price range can differ greatly between various colors and clarities. It is essential to find something affordable yet aesthetically pleasing.

buy ring

Run to your Wholesale District

If you want to get away with unnecessary markups, you can opt for wholesalers. Traditional retailers will add a profit percentage which will increase the cost of your engagement ring. You can get the best value for each buck you spend by dealing with a diamond wholesaler directly.

Negotiate to Get the Best Value

Often retailers can mark up the price beyond justifiable margins. You can do considerable research before going to a diamond shop. You can negotiate with your jewelry dealer to get the best quality within your budget. A good jeweler will give you some discounts that will best fit your needs.

Final Thoughts

Buying an engagement ring is pretty easy if you get your considerations right. A bigger price tag will not promise the best quality. You can find some of the most beautiful engagement rings by playing with color, clarity, and cut. You must get your fingers measured and decide on the shape of your diamond before heading out to the jewelry store.

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