Tips for Choosing the Perfect Dress

Perfect Dress

When choosing a dress, there are many factors at play. There is no one ‘perfect’ dress ideal for any one event—as wonderful as that may be. The fact that there are many different dresses fit for many different events makes the selection process all the more fun. Who doesn’t like opening up a wardrobe full of options? The long and the short of it? The ‘perfect dress’ will vary depending on the woman in question. So you can check out Alamour the Label where you find a different dress which gives a beautiful look.

Each woman will have a unique colour scheme, neckline, and dress design that will complement her appearance. Whilst lighter colours, for example, look great on women with darker skin tones, they can make those with a paler complexion look almost sickly. 

If we had to give you one tip for finding the perfect dress, it would be that it’s the one you feel best in. Sometimes, the perfect dress will fit like a glove and you will just know. If you’re having trouble arriving at that feeling, however, we’re here to give you some pointers.

What’s the Purpose of the Dress?

white Dress

Are you buying this dress with the intention of rotating it through your wardrobe weekly? Or are you buying this dress for a big event? Maybe you want a dress that does both. Whatever the reason behind the purchase, this will help determine which shops to check. 

For instance, if you’re attending a cocktail event and you’re willing to spare no expense—by all means, hit up Alex Perry. If your vibe is slightly more alternative, you may be more of a Dion Lee girl. There are options to suit every individual preference (and budget), and if you can determine yours, you’re already halfway there.

If the Shoe Fits…

One thing to note about women’s clothing is that sizing is not always consistent across brands. Before making a purchase, it’s always a good idea to try the garments on for size. Not only does this confirm your correct size (in this particular brand), but it also gives you a chance to see the garment in action.

Does the reality match the expectation? Does this frock look as fabulous on you as it does on the mannequin? Sometimes, the test run can surprise you. 

Consider Cut and Colour

white dress

As discussed earlier when it comes to dress cuts and colours, one woman’s loss is another woman’s gain. It’s amazing how one design can look amazing on one woman, but look so out-of-place on another. Let’s take a look at the Milani Dress, for example:

The Miliani Dress is a crisp white beauty with a plunging neckline, giving the torso a chance to shine. This design is ideal for darker skin complexions (whilst darker materials add sexiness to paler skin tones).

As a general rule of thumb: contrast dress colour with skin tone, and ensure that the cut accommodates your bodily quirks. It can help to dress to your body shape, which you can read more about here. 

Get a Second Opinion

In many clothing stores, there is often a seat situated by the fitting rooms. It’s colloquially known as ‘the boyfriend seat’. If you have a willing second party to provide a second opinion, you should bring them along. It can be your boyfriend, a gal pal, or a family member!

Sometimes it takes a second pair of eyes to see things we may be blinkered to. On the other hand, a shopping buddy can be a great source of validation (even if it’s just for pure confirmation bias!)

The Perfect Dress for Me

white Dress

The beautiful thing about your perfect dress is that you’ve hand-picked it for yourself. It has your own seal of approval (and possibly the seal of your nearest and dearest). We’ve described some strategies to help seal the deal. However, a large chunk of the process is intuition. 

As we said earlier, sometimes you’ll just know. Regardless of what others say, sometimes your gut outshines all advice and if it does, more power to you! In the absence of this almost divine intervention, however, we hope that these tips will point you in the right direction and help you find the perfect dress for you.

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