3 Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Wardrobe for Spring

Spring Wardrobe

Winter is the time of year for coats, sweaters, scarves, and hats. However, when spring hits, your wardrobe tends to require quite a drastic change. While it might be tempting to try to carry over some pieces for convenience’s sake, it is more than likely that you will have to set aside some real time in order to transition your wardrobe over to the new season.

Making the switch from your winter wardrobe to your spring one doesn’t have to be an overly complicated process, however. There are some simple and easy tricks that you can use in order to ensure that your wardrobe is ready for spring. Such tricks can even help you save a great deal of space in your closet or cupboard if you happen to be working with storage that is a bit lacking in square footage.

If temperatures in your area are starting to warm up already and you are ready to transition from coats and cardigans to some lighter options, here are three easy ways for you to freshen up your wardrobe for spring.

1. Embrace the Colours of the Season

Embrace the Colours of the Spring

One of the first things to acknowledge about springtime is how different the color palette is from winter. While there is no reason why you have to stick to a particular set of colors for spring, and you should always wear what you are comfortable in, there are some fun, bright hues, and patterns that are more appropriate for the springtime.

Florals tend to be among some of the more popular choices for spring, but there are other patterns that you can choose from as well in order to incorporate the colors of spring into your wardrobe. Bear in mind that you don’t have to go with overly bright hues if they don’t suit your style. Rather, subtle, more neutral options are also on-trend for springtime.

If you aren’t into wearing those brighter colors from head to toe but would still like to incorporate a pop of fun springtime color into your look this spring, consider doing so by using an eye-catching clutch from judithleiber Accessories can be a great way to freshen up your day-to-day look and sport the colors of spring.

2. Go Shoe Shopping

Go Shoe Shopping

One major difference between a winter wardrobe and a spring one is best footwear. While you likely sport boots and closed-toed shoes all winter long in order to keep your feet warm and dry, the warmer temperatures of spring mean that you can break out the sandals and peep-toe pumps once again.

You can enjoy a great deal more variety in regard to your shoe game in the springtime as well. Since the weather can fluctuate, especially early on in the season, you don’t have to pack away those warmer options just yet. You can simply pair them with some of your lighter outfits to create the perfect springtime look.

The change in season is also the perfect excuse to go on a shoe shopping spree. There are some really fun shoe trends in regard to materials to be on the lookout for this spring. Many of these options aren’t appropriate for the generally wet conditions of winter, so as soon as things begin to warm up, it’ll be time to hit the shops and make sure that your footwear is springtime ready!

3. Keep It Relaxed

A room with clothes and shoes hanging on a rack

All winter long, you were likely embracing all opportunities to get dressed up for holiday parties and family gatherings. Even though it is fun to take part in the festivities of the Christmas season, putting in all that effort to look your best for the holidays can be exhausting when all is said and done.

The good news is that the approach of springtime means that you can relax your style a bit and take on a more casual look for your day to day. From head to toe, spring tends to be a more appropriate time of year for simpler style choices across the board.

Consider incorporating some denim pieces into your springtime wardrobe as well as trousers that have a more relaxed silhouette. Chunkier sneakers are also on trend this spring, meaning that your days of wearing those sparkly heels can be put on pause until the next holiday season. Not only are such shoes a more casual look, but they are far more comfortable for those who are on their feet for the bulk of the day.

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