How to Remove Grass Stains: Step by Step Process

How to Remove Grass Stains

Grass stains are one of the most common types of stains, especially during outdoor activities such as sports, picnics, and gardening. The stains occur when chlorophyll, along with other pigments in the grass, comes into contact with fabric, shoes, or other surfaces. These natural pigments bind to fibers, making the stain particularly tough to remove. If left untreated, grass stains can become even more difficult to eliminate as they set into the material. 

This article provides a comprehensive guide to removing grass stains from various materials, including jeans, shoes, and other clothing. Whether you’re dealing with a fresh grass stain or one that’s been there for a while, there are effective methods to help lift the green streaks and get your items looking fresh again.

How to Get Grass Stains Out of Jeans

How to Get Grass Stains Out of Jeans

Jeans are a staple in many wardrobes, and they’re also a common target for grass stains due to their durability and the types of activities they’re often worn for. Luckily, grass stains can be removed from jeans with the right approach. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Pre-treat the Stain

Start by pre-treating the stained area. You can use common household products such as:

Laundry detergent: A standard option for pre-treating stains. Apply a small amount of detergent directly to the stain and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes.

Vinegar: White vinegar is another option for pre-treating grass stains. Mix equal parts vinegar and water, apply the solution to the stain, and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Dish soap: If you’re out of laundry detergent, dish soap can be a great alternative. Simply apply a few drops to the stain and rub it in gently.

Step 2: Gently Scrub the Stain

Once the pre-treatment has had time to work, grab a soft brush or cloth and gently scrub the stain. Avoid using a harsh brush, as this can damage the fabric. Instead, focus on working the cleaning solution into the fibers without being too rough.

Step 3: Wash in Cold Water

After scrubbing, wash the jeans in cold water. Hot water can cause the stain to set, so it’s best to stick to cold settings. If possible, use a stain-fighting laundry detergent for an extra boost of cleaning power.

Tip: Check the Stain Before Drying

Once the wash cycle is complete, inspect the jeans carefully. If the stain is still visible, do not put the jeans in the dryer, as the heat can cause the stain to set permanently. Instead, repeat the stain-removal process if necessary and allow the jeans to air dry.

How to Get Grass Stains Out of Shoes

How to Get Grass Stains Out of Shoes

Shoes, especially sneakers and canvas footwear, are another common victim of grass stains. Whether you’ve been running through a field or playing sports, grass stains on shoes can be tricky to remove. The following method can help clean most types of shoes effectively.

Step 1: Create a Cleaning Paste

To start, create a paste by mixing baking soda and water until you have a thick, spreadable consistency. Alternatively, you can use a mild detergent diluted with water.

For tougher stains on white shoes, you can use a stronger solution made from hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts baking soda for a powerful cleaning paste.

Step 2: Apply the Solution and Scrub

Using a soft brush (like an old toothbrush), apply the cleaning paste to the stained area. Scrub gently in a circular motion to lift the grass stain from the surface of the shoe. Be sure to focus on the areas where the stain is most concentrated.

Step 3: Rinse and Air Dry

Once the stain has been scrubbed, rinse the shoe thoroughly with cold water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Then, allow the shoes to air dry naturally. Avoid using a dryer or direct heat source, as this can damage certain materials and cause shoes to shrink.

Tip: Hydrogen Peroxide for White Shoes

If your shoes are white, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can work wonders for stubborn stains. Hydrogen peroxide has a mild bleaching effect, which can help to restore the whiteness of your shoes while removing grass stains. Just be sure to test this solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the shoe first to avoid any unwanted discoloration.

How to Get Grass Stains Out of Clothes

How to Get Grass Stains Out of Clothes

Whether it’s a shirt, shorts, or a jacket, clothes are commonly stained by grass, especially during outdoor activities. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to remove grass stains from a variety of clothing items.

Step 1: Apply a Stain Remover

Start by applying a stain remover directly to the grass-stained area. If you don’t have a commercial stain remover, you can use laundry detergent or a mixture of vinegar and water. Allow the solution to sit on the stain for 5-10 minutes so it can begin breaking down the grass pigments.

Step 2: Gently Scrub the Stain

After the stain remover has had time to penetrate, use a soft toothbrush or a cloth to scrub the stained area. Focus on scrubbing the stain out of the fabric, but avoid using too much force, which could damage the material.

Step 3: Wash in Cold Water

Wash the clothing in cold water, either by hand or in a washing machine. Cold water is recommended, as hot water can set the stain and make it harder to remove. Once washed, check the stain carefully.

Tip: Rubbing Alcohol for Stubborn Stains

If the stain is particularly tough, try using rubbing alcohol. Dab a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto the stained area with a clean cloth, and then scrub the stain lightly. Once you’ve done this, rinse the clothing and launder it again.


Do Grass Stains Come Out? 

Yes, grass stains can be removed with the right treatment. Acting quickly and treating the stain as soon as possible will increase the chances of complete removal.

What’s the Best Way to Get Grass Stains Out of Jeans?

The best method for removing grass stains from jeans is to pre-treat the stain using laundry detergent, dish soap, or vinegar, followed by gently scrubbing and washing in cold water. It’s important to avoid heat until the stain is completely removed.

Can You Remove Grass Stains from White Shoes?

Yes, grass stains can be removed from white shoes using a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. The baking soda helps to lift the stain, while the hydrogen peroxide helps restore the whiteness of the shoe.

How Do I Prevent Grass Stains from Setting in Clothes?

To prevent grass stains from setting, rinse the stained area with cold water as soon as possible. Apply a stain remover or pre-treat the stain before laundering. Avoid exposing the stain to heat until it has been fully removed.

What Products Are Best for Removing Grass Stains?

Effective products for removing grass stains include laundry detergent, dish soap, white vinegar, baking soda, and rubbing alcohol. Each of these items can help break down and lift grass stains from a variety of materials.


Grass stains are a nuisance, but with the right techniques and a bit of patience, they can be effectively removed from jeans, shoes, and clothing. Acting quickly and using common household products like laundry detergent, vinegar, and baking soda can make a significant difference in the stain removal process. Remember to always check the stain before drying your clothes or shoes to ensure it hasn’t set, and feel free to repeat the process if necessary.

By following the tips and methods outlined above, you’ll be able to keep your clothes and shoes looking fresh and stain-free, no matter how many times you find yourself sitting or running through the grass.

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