An Ultimate Guide on How to Define Swimwear Look for Men

swim wear look for men

Who doesn’t want to feel confident in what they wear to the beach? It is a vital step to completely enjoying yourself and being able to relax, after all. That is why the swimwear you pick must be right for your mind and body. So, what is your swimwear style? Maybe you’ve searched for years to no avail, or perhaps you just fancy mixing up your style for something fresh. Whatever the reason, here is some helpful advice about how to define swimwear look for men.

Figure Out Your Body Type

Just like women, there are lots of different body types men have. Contrary to what the media shows us, not all men are blessed with washboard abs they can crack walnuts on. Plenty of guys have fuller figures, rounder bellies, and other bits they are uncomfortable with.

Some guys are tall and lanky; others are short and plump. This makes it harder to find swimwear that suits your unique shape and look. It also means it’s harder to pick some swimwear you actually enjoy wearing.

With the world moving ever faster towards inclusivity, nobody should ever feel judged for wearing what they love on a beach vacation or day trip to the sea. Find out what shape category you fall into and that will be the best diving board for picking the ultimate swimwear outfit and accessories.

Your Swimwear Has to Be Functional

Even if you are planning on completely avoiding the water, your swimwear still has to be functional. A simple pair of cotton shorts might not do the trick when it comes to UV protection for a lengthy sunbathing session by the pool. Conversely, the wrong fabric might end up going transparent if you do hit the water, which would be super embarrassing. In addition, men’s swimwear should be supportive, so your dangly bits aren’t swinging loose in the breeze.

There are the most important features to look for when buying men’s swimwear, especially if you plan on spending a lot of time in and out of the water. Once you have the technical aspects of the fabric and design nailed, you can focus more on what the design looks like, whether you like the color and pattern of the fabric, the style, and more.

Treat Yourself to a Little Luxury 

If you have a big holiday coming up, or you want an outfit that will last the whole summer and beyond, it is time to think about treating yourself to a little luxury. Spending a higher amount on tailored men’s swim shorts will not only boost your confidence but also help you feel more comfortable because of the high caliber of material and design behind the product.

More expensive swimwear garments are usually much better quality. Luxury brands pay a great deal of attention to the fabrics they use, the design and cut of the garment, and also the technical qualities of the fabric.

If you purchase swim shorts from a cheap discount store, there is a high likelihood that the fabric won’t be UV resistant. It will also degenerate quickly if you spend a lot of time in chlorinated swimming pools. In addition, the design will be functional at best and you won’t have many styles and colors to choose from.

While this is not so much of an issue if you need a pair of swim shorts for a last-minute trip to the beach, it’s wise to look for better quality swimwear from a reputable store if you plan to wear the item more than a couple of times. Investing money in a quality garment is always a wise decision.

Picking Your Style

Do you have a color preference? Or are you someone who shops and buys the outfit that simply captures their attention? Sometimes, it’s just fortune, but more often than not you have to work hard and browse through a lot of options before you find the one.

The great thing about swimwear is that it can be a completely independent style from all of your other clothes. Even if you would never normally wear it as a part of your daily attire, this is about having fun and channeling confidence. Maybe, being bold in what you pick aesthetic-wise is a great way to branch out and boost that all-important self-esteem. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter if you are looking to make a friend or two while you’re away.

If you are the type of guy who has to wear a boring suit for your day job, why not have a bit of fun choosing swimwear? Instead of going for a plain pair of black swim shorts, buy some funky mid-length shorts in a cool design or shop for some shorts in a fun color, like pink. Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries of what you normally wear.

A trip to the beach is a great opportunity to experiment with new colors and styles. Be brave and make a splash on your next vacation!

Final Words

Defining your look for men will always take time. The most important factor is to ensure any swimwear you do buy is fit for the purpose. Days on the beach or having fun in the pool are a great holiday activities, but your outfit has to be up for the challenge and keep you cozy, protected, and suitably covered.

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