Change of Season Declutter…Here Is What You Must Keep

declutter your wardrobe

Summer is drawing to a close and autumn is rapidly approaching which means that once again, rethink your wardrobe for ladies everywhere. But no matter the season or time, if you are planning on decluttering that bulging wardrobe but not sure what to keep and what to throw, we spoke with well-renowned fashion site about what to keep and what to throw so here are some of your ‘must keep’ categories below…

Super Stylish Trainers

Super Stylish Trainers

We all love a pair or saved up and worked for designer trainers. From the cheaper end of the market like NuBalence to mid range like Nike to high end more luxury items from Alexander Mcqueen, Stella Mcartney and the big new kid on the block Balenciaga. So yes you must keep hold of your work for kicks.

The Elegant Jacket

girl Jacket

Every lady should own a trench coat in their wardrobe, specifically in our opinion, a beige one. The colour will never go out of fashion and can be used in whatever the season and  whatever the weather (excluding heatwaves of course!). So this jacket can be worn anywhere from on your way to and from or work , or equally as fitting for an Al fresco lunch with your bestie.

Best Blue Jeans

declutter Blue Jeans

Every lady must have their own favourite, superior blue jeans. An in-fashion style (there are so many different styles available these days, so as long as you feel sexy and comfortable and your best attributes are on show, you can’t go wrong!) With all clothes, it’s important to know your body type and as with the next category, be sure to buy items that fit your shape best.


little black dress

You’ve just got back from another hard week at work and your partner informs you of his formal work-do. You pretend you remembered, of course you remembered. The best way to show that you remembered, is how quickly you get your outfit ready and what’s always beautiful for either a formal or informal party? Your LBD (little black dress). Keep this item in your wardrobe when every other dress gets moved on to the charity shop.

Daily Jewellery


Lastly but not least and not so much of a wardrobe item but no less essential. Your daily jewellery for either work or going out doesn’t need to be expensive, just classy and able to be stacked up against all other pieces. A nice cute watch, a few sets of earrings, a nice necklace or some quirky rings, they can make or break your look.

The Work Essentials

Work Outfit

There are two staples that unless you’re lucky enough to work from home in your pyjamas, you are going to need to put aside for work, these are your smart black trousers and your smart white blouse. No need for considerate expense on either of these items(we recommend at least two of each), just a nice fit but not too unprofessional if you know what I mean and ready to be worn a few days of a week. It’s not just work though that these are suited, but very apt for an interview for even a working lunch with a colleague. There’s no need for a change of clothes humped to work every day with these two essentials.

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